
The Fraktal Marketplace is the first production use case of the Fraktal Protocol and has a 5% fee for transactions set at launch. This fee amount is governed by the community and can be updated via the Fraktal DAO by calling [function] in contract [enter main-net address]

Fraktal incorporates an infinite fee model with its protocol. This means that every dapp integrating the protocol pays a percentage of their fees back to the Fraktal DAO and FRAK Stakers. This infinite fee model, creates uncapped growth potential for Fraktal stakeholders.

The Marketplace Fee is taken from the following transactions:

  • Auction Sales

  • Fixed-Price Sales

  • Distributing Revenue

  • Buy-Outs

For other integrations of the Fraktal Protocol, fees follow a tiered structure based on daily volume. The below fees are general amounts and may vary for specific integrations. Any protocol integration can propose to the Fraktal DAO for a different fee structure to better suite their use case.

Daily VolumeFee

Up to USD ($) 1,000,000


From USD ($) 1,000,000 up to USD ($) 10,000,000


From USD ($) 10,000,000 up to USD ($) 100,000,000


From USD ($) 100,000,000


Fraktal Protocol is currently deployed on Ethereum, but will expand to other Layer 1 and Layer 2 Blockchains and integrate cross-chain fee models.

Fees are distributed to Stakers of FRAK

Stake FRAK and earn fees in ETH.

Learn More in the Staking Section.

Staking FRAK

Last updated